Wednesday, August 22, 2007


B. Less blood

a. Leukemia

Less blood disease ( Leukemia) do not mean the lessen of blood amounts to patient body, but its( caused by growth of white corpuscle cells exceeding boundary, or the lessen of ferrum in blood ( Hb )

b. Anemia
This disease ( Anemia ) caused by the lessen of blood of the patient body, hemorrhagic effect, bodily injury or by some chronic disease.

Some ways to heal anemia disease:

a. Material :
Thorn spinach leaf ( Amarantus spinosus,L ) = 10 gr
Tapak liman leaf ( Elephantopus scaber, L ) = 5 gr
Asam kawak ( Tamarindes indica, L) = 2 gr
Kampong chicken egg yolk = 2 item
Pure honey = 1 tablespoon

Way of making :
Thorn spinach leaf and tread liman boxed to be smooth, then is given boiled water counted 2 cup
Egg yolk, asam kawak and honey packed into cup containing spinach leaf and tapak liman leaf , then is swirled until flattening.

Way of using :
Drink morning and evening, during 7 day successively

Thorn spinach leaf ( Amarantus spinosus, L )

Tapak liman leaf ( E lephantopus scaber, L )

Asam kawak ( Tamarindes indica, L)

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