Friday, August 17, 2007


Since my mother got sicks because she consumed chemical or synthetic medicines, i tried to find the best medication to her. And i notice that herbal and natural medicines can help to cure illness without side effect.

Maybe you don't notice that every day our body have been poisoning by dangerous substances like drugs, medicines, alkohol, tobacoo and the others.

This substances if heaped up in our body can give bad side effect such as weak, cold, hadache, nausea, swelling, depression and many.

Naturally, everyday our body have tried to neutrilized that dangerous sustances, but if that substance amount of big scale our body can throw away all that dangerous substances.

Use herbal as an alternative medicine to cure our ilness give more advantage rather if consume modern medicines, because herbal medicines have less or no side effects, because it made from natural substance which we consumed everyday and maybe come from around us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some herbs do have side effects as well as contraindications, so always check. Better safe than sorry.